Well, hmm. I'm a Javarancher who's taken the GMAT. Let's see. Took it about 4 years ago, right after the switch from pencil-and-paper to computer adaptive. Not much to discuss at all. Over the years of taking various such ridiculous standardized tests, I figured out that it is indeed possible to dramatically increase your score by prepping for the specific exam. Highly recommend materials by the Princeton Review.
Took the GMAT about the time I was trying to figure out whether someone with several irrelevant degrees and a dodgy career path could make it as an IT professional.
I am *so* glad I didn't go back to school (but that's just me). Took some sucky jobs to get experience, continued studying databases in my free time, and wound up a PeopleSoft developer.
Right now
Java's just something I do for tickles and grins. Maybe that'll change.