hi BEN
i have a slight confusion here.
Whatever you are saying is right but according to me we can play around with relative paths only to a certain degree.
If we have to deploy a servlet then offcourse we can hide the path from the end user by changing its <url-pattern> tag in deployment descriptor.
But the base of the URL ie
http://localhost:8080/<WEB-APPLICATION-NAME> has to be fixed..
I don't think this can be changed as this this is the root path of our Servlet Container (Tomcat) + web application..
Also i wanted to know that if i have a
Jsp say x.jsp in webapps/Test-Application-Directory and i want to access via a html page..
Then if have to explicitly mention
http://localhost:8080/Test-Application/x.jsp.. Is there any by which we can hide this from the end User. i.e HARDCoded path in HTML page FORM ACTION...
Thanks in Advance