I am writing a phonebook database and i am trying to have it save the file to the hardrive or load it from the hard drive. Any suggestions on how i can do this or any known class that can do this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, JavaDude.
I have used a Properties object loaded from and stored to a file to do this successfully for a small requirement. Properties, a subclass of Hashtable is in the java.util package. It has methods to load from an InputStream and store to an OutputStream; FileInputStream and FileOutputStream for example. I'm not sure how scalable this would be though.
Thanx for the replies, Yes, Paul. Storing it as a text file would be nice. But, i am too new to programming to know if that is plausabile or even how you would do it. So could you please be more specific. Thankyou, JavaDude
Thanks Paul, How about if i want to save it as something other than a text file. For instance if i want to save an array in memory so that i can refer back to it again for searching purposes. Would i still use FileReader and FileWriter? Thankyou in advance, JavaDude