Delphi is far superior to Java:
1. Not having JVM, with slllowww garbage collector makes exe's fly.
2. Having native properties and events built into the language, and the component model elegant design makes writing components fun.
3. There is nothing that you cannot do with Delphi on the Windows platform. the same is not true for Java. Where its performance is prohibitive for some tasks. Kylix (Delphi for Linux) makes Delphi cross platform. Although Java is supported on many more platforms, nothing prevents Delphi from being ported to Mac OS and Solaris. The new CLX architecture should make it pretty painless for Borland to do. When they get around to it the cross platform issue will not be as strong for Java.
4. Delphi supports web development on both Windows NT/2000 and Linux, running native code ISAPI/NSAPI, or apache loadable modules (Linux). The raw speed produced by Delphi will never be matched by Java.
5. Delphi's elegant IDE and form designer separates object definition and source code into two files. This makes code readability much better for Delphi developers. Why do I need to see the coordinates and simple properties of every visual object in my source code. It clutters and contaminates my code. Delphi code is 10 times more readable.
But to repeat.. SPEED SPEED SPEED. Java failed on the client side because performance was unacceptable. So, what did the Java world do? Hide it on the "Server side". Why? Cause no one can visually measure it and see it's crappy?..
Delphi shines on the client and the server. With version 6, it now supports SOAP/XML, web services like no other development environment. It supports the .NET initiative (web services portion) better than Microsoft or Sun will ever be able to.
I have tried C#, Java and of course Delphi. Trust me, there is no comparison. You owe it to yourself to try it for a while. It will blow you away, like it did for me.
People don't know just how many commercial applications, which are used by millions of people were and are written in Delphi. It's the industry best kept secret. WELL, it's about time it should receive the credit it deserves.
I'll be happy to go one on one against any Java developer that can prove me wrong.
Write once, run anywhere, because there's nowhere to hide! - /. A.C.
Write once, run anywhere, because there's nowhere to hide! - /. A.C.
The Dark Templar
Write once, run anywhere, because there's nowhere to hide! - /. A.C.
The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - Heraclitus
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