To fight back heres what to do:
A) Join they are also against the LAW! and will fight it to
the supreme court (It only costs 20-35 bucks! to join )
And OR
B) Join They are also against the New Law and
will also fight it too! (It only costs 20-35 bucks! to join )
Email this Letter to everyone In Congress and in the Senate! (Be nice ) Dear __________
As an American I am conserned that a new bill in Congress will further strip away my right to freedom of Speech. The bill is called Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act or CBDTPA this bill in question takes away my right to distribute any art, Photos, computer code, poetry, thoughts, or any ideas whatsoever that I have created as an individual online. Thus, if I publish my thoughts online, or put
my own art which I created online, I am not allowed to distribute my own creations
to my friends and family and if I do I can be charged with civil and criminal penalties.
Thus If I send photos of family members to other family members either thru email or
thru online chat rooms or as an "upload" or "download" on my own website. I can be
charged with Civil and Criminal Penalities!
Thus law is so broad in that if you email photos of your grandkids to family members you will be charged with Civil and Criminal Penalities! If you have any home movies of a family barbecue and if you email it to friends and family members with this to you can go to JAIL FOR! If you Son or Grandson rights you a poem or send you a drawing of his YOU WILL GO TO JAIL ! If your Daughter or Son creates a computer program
for you to make automated for you to fax other members of congress guess what YOUR GOING TO JAIL!
If you truely love America and freedom of Speech you will not pass this Draconian anti-American Anti-Family values, And Anti-Freedom of speech law that will in essence further erode and even cripple the United States constitution.
Thank you Sincerely, Your name here
PS: The MPAA and RIAA are sponsering the bill and have never been known for supporting FAMILY VALUES!
Here are 3 articles proving my points:
New Law will Cripple the IT industry and the Internet,1283,51274-2,00.html Another article on how the Law with Cripple the computer industry,1283,51275,00.html An Article by a law professor on CBDTPA