Thanks for trying to help. I did some more searches in the AWT / Swing conference here as well as on Sun's site. Unfortunately, GridBagLayout seems way more complicated than anything I needed to deal with. So, fortunate for me, I thought up a different way to do it.
Here's how I did it... The height of my window is approximately 25 lines high (GirdLayout size mind you). So I made my big this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()). I created a new JPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(25,1)) to hold all of my JLabels. Then I added that panel to the contentPane,BorderLayout.WEST. THEN I created another new JPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(25,1)) to hold all of my JTextFields... then added that to my contentPane,BorderLayout.CENTER so it'd take as much space as it could and butt up against my JLabels and line up with each other! Works great! Thanks!