Thanks a lot Monty!
I got so disappointed trying to resolve this .. now I am so happy and excited to see your reply!
Could you please help me out first set this working on WEBSPHERE on Windows NT first then I will try to implement this SOLARIS.
I have Websphere 3.5.4 running on Windows NT 4.0
and it has DB2 UDB version 7.0 installed on it ( for WAS ) I will be running a
servlet from this NT machine which will go to the Mainframe OS 390 ( DB for os/390 version 7) read a DB2 table which has data which has been loaded after coverting from ASCII to EBCDIC using iconv utility
Here is the code snippet from my servlet:
Connection connection=DriverManager.getConnection;
String sqlStatement =" SELECT X_DESC " +
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlStatement);
preparedStatement.setString(1, "JAPANESE");
ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
while ({
String data = resultSet.getString("X_DESC").trim();
Then I wanted to send the string data to an HTML page on the browser. I already configured Internet exlorer for japanese language.
Kinldy let me know what should I do now on my Windows NT side first then we can go from there.
Your help is highly appreciated! Once again thanks a lot for your help!