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Help with printing appointments

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I am trying to develop code for my Calendar program that will allow me to print the appointments of a specified date
Presently my program will add appointements,identify duplicate
appointments and has a method that will remove appointment but I have
not bee able to get the program to print appointments for individual
dates as selected by the user.
Can someone please help me?
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;
Describes a calendar for a set of appointments.
@version 1.0
public class CalendarTest
{ public static void main(String[] args)
{ Calendar makeCalendar = new Calendar();
{ InputStreamReader reader
= new InputStreamReader(System.in);
BufferedReader console
= new BufferedReader(reader);

boolean done = false;
while (!done)
System.out.println("Please enter an appointment startdate"
+ " and time(dd/MM/yy hh:mm a)."
+ "\n" + "Or press enter to exit the program.");
String sdateTime = console.readLine();
if ( sdateTime == null || sdateTime.equals(""))
done = true;

String sTime = sdateTime;

System.out.println("Please enter an appointment enddate and time:");
String edateTime = console.readLine();
String endTime = edateTime;

System.out.println("Please enter an appointment description:");
String aDescript = console.readLine();
String description = aDescript;

System.out.println("Enter yes to add appointment or no to remove"
+ "or p to print calendar");
String action = console.readLine();

if (action.equals("yes"))
makeCalendar.addAppointment(new Appointment(sTime, endTime, description));

else if (action.equals("no"))
{ System.out.println(sTime);
Appointment toFind = new Appointment(sTime, endTime, description);

else if (action.equals("p"))


catch (IOException e)
{ System.out.println(e);


Describes a calendar for a set of appointments.
@author John J. Farrell
@version 1.0
class Calendar

Constructs a calendar.
public Calendar()
appointments = new Vector();

Adds an appointment to this Calendar.
@param anApp The appointment to add.
public void addAppointment(Appointment anApp)



Removes an appointment from this Calendar.
@param toFind The appointment to be removed.
@return true if the appointment is found.False
if not found.

public boolean removeAppointment(Appointment toFind)
return appointments.remove(toFind);

Tests for overlapping appointment dates and times.
public void overlapTest()
for (int x = 0; x < appointments.size(); x++)
Appointment check = (Appointment)appointments.get(x);
for (int y = appointments.size() - 1; y > x; y--)
Appointment nextAppointment = (Appointment) appointments.get(y);
if (check.isOverlap(nextAppointment))
{ System.out.println("Duplicate appointments: ");




Prints the Calendar.
public void print()
{ System.out.println(" C A L E N D A R");


System.out.println("Starttime EndTime "
+ " Appointment");

//for (int i = 0; i < appointments.size(); i++)
//{ Appointment nextAppointment = (Appointment) appointments.get(i);
// nextAppointment.print();

for (int x = 0; x < appointments.size(); x++)
Appointment check = (Appointment)appointments.get(x);
for (int y = appointments.size() - 1; y > x; y--)
Appointment nextAppointment = (Appointment) appointments.get(y);
if (check.sameDay(nextAppointment))
{ System.out.println("Duplicate appointments: ");




private Vector appointments;
private String name;
private Appointment theAppointment;
Describes an appointment.
class Appointment
public Appointment(String aStarttime,String aEndtime, String anEvent)
{ starttime = aStarttime;
endtime = aEndtime;
event = anEvent;

SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(PARSE_FORMAT);
SimpleDateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat(PARSE_DATE);
start = df.parse(starttime);
end = df.parse(endtime);
startDay =df2.parse(starttime);


catch (ParseException e)
{ System.out.print("Please enter the date/time in the following format:"
+ "\n" + "dd/MM/yy hh:mm a" +"\n" );




Method to obtain start date.
@return The start date.
public Date getStart()
return start;

Method to obtain end date.
@return The end date.
public Date getEnd()
return end;

public Date getDay()
return startDay;

Method to test for overlapping appointment times.
@return true if the appointments overlap.False if
the appointment times do not overlap.
public boolean isOverlap(Appointment nextApp)
long thisStart = start.getTime();
long thisEnd = end.getTime();
long anotherStart = nextApp.getStart().getTime();
long anotherEnd = nextApp.getEnd().getTime();
if ((thisStart > anotherEnd) || (thisEnd < anotherStart))
return false;
return true;

Method to test whether one object equals another.
@param otherObject The other object.
@return true if equal, false if not

public boolean equals(Object otherObject)
if (otherObject instanceof Appointment)
{ Appointment other = (Appointment)otherObject;

return (starttime.equals(other.starttime)
&& endtime.equals(other.endtime) && event.equals(other.event));

else return false;


public boolean sameDay(Appointment nextApp)
return (startDay.equals(nextApp.getDay())) ;

Prints the Starttime, Endtime and a description of the
public void print()
{ System.out.println();
System.out.println(starttime + " " + endtime
+ " " + event);


private String starttime;
private String endtime;
private String event;
private Date start;
private Date end;
private Date startDay;
private static final String PARSE_FORMAT = "dd/MM/yy hh:mm a";
private static final String PARSE_DATE = "dd/MM/yy";

"The Hood"
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