posted 21 years ago
This program is to perform conversions between F and C temperatures. Input Components are input temperature(textfield), Output precision(a choice), conversion to be performed (a group of checkbox objects), output text size(scrollbar), Calculate(button), and a help menu with an about menu item.(displaying pop-up frame).
Output component is resulting temperature(Label).
I know the code would be placed in the adjustmentValueChanged() method, but I don't know how I could change the label's font (to be larger or smaller) based upon the scrollbar.
The pop-up frame, when I click the menu item, the both main frame and menu item frame pop up. How could I chage it so that only menu item frame will pop up? Also, the button is not working. I mean, the whole program is not working... it doesn't calculate.. do anything...
Could someone please check my code below and let me know what I should do.
thank you.