What is the best way to secure your Java Code at a client? With all the decompilers out there, it is trivial for someone to decompile a class file and look at its source. I like to use meaningful names in my code so that I can understand it x number of months down the road - but so can everybody else (including clients) with a decompiler. JF
Lot of free code scranbler available in Market, I was trying to find a good one for our project, but have to drop the work in between, These tools change the Variable name and stuff of that kind. But i am not sure thay can be used for cose where Objects are determined at Runtime, EJB's and RMI's. Waiting for some usefull response.... Gaurav
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"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
I brought this back from the farm where they grow the tiny ads: