hey david,
>>I need to create an abstract class named Bike. Include a String field for the bikes name and a double field for the bikes price.
public abstract class Bike
protected String bikeName;
protected double price;
>>Within the class, I need to include a constructor that requires the bike name and two get methods � one that returns the name and one that returns the price. I also need to include an abstract method named setPrice().
This still is not clear to me. A constructor is called when you create a new object of that class. Therefore, the constructor will NOT hold 'two get methods', but rather have a parameter which accepts the name, then two seperate methods, one for the name and one returning the price..
the decloration for the method setPrice in Bike is:
public abstract void setPrice();
/* This is the constructor, it will be called every time you create a new object of type Motor or NonMotor and pass a parameter */
public Bike(String tempName)
bikeName = tempName;
//This method returns the string 'bikeName'
public String getBrand()
return bikeName;
//this method returns the double price (ie the cost of the bike)
public double getPrice()
return price;
>>Then I need to create two child classes of Bike: Motor and NonMotor.
Motor SubClass
public class Motor extends Bike
public Motor()
public void setPrice()
price = 90.00;
Non-Motor SubClass
public class NonMotor extends Bike
public NonMotor()
public void setPrice()
price = 24.00;
>>Within the constructors for the Motor and NonMotor classes, call setPrice so all Motor Bikes cost $90.00 and all NonMotor Bikes cost $24.00.
look under both constructors, the setPrice method is called, and as you can see it allocates: 'price = 24.00;' for Nonmotor and 90.00 for motor
>>After that I have to write a program that demonstrates that I can create both a Motor and a NonMotor Bike and display the fields.
the main method is what is executed when you call the program:
c:\java\ javac Bike.java
java Bike
public static void main(String [] args)
/*Creates an object of type Motor called 'Honda'
note 'honda' will be stored as 'bikeName' as
this is the parameter passed when calling the constructor
with the keyword 'new'
Motor Honda = new Motor(honda);
//Similarly, this creates the nonmotor object
NonMotor PushBike = new NonMotor(petalBike);
/*This next line is an example of printing out a detail of an object
the System.out.println() method prints to the screen. The '+' symbol
concatinates strings and 'Honda.getPrice()' will return and print the value of 'price'
System.out.println("The Price of the Motor Vehcle is: " + Honda.getPrice() );
System.out.println("The Price of the non-motor vehcle is: " + PushBike.getPrice() );
This should answer your specifications. As a final example to print the name, you would simply call
NameOfMotor . NameOfMethod() ;
ie. Honda . getBrand();
hope that answers your question