<i>All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost - <b>Gandalf</b></i>
Pam Chau
Reid - SCJP2 (April 2002)
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
" Veni, vidi, vici "<br />" I came, I saw, I conquered "
Originally posted by <Johnson Chong>:
Now I just wanna know everything. How the gears or slip rings in autotransmission gear box works, how aircon works, ...
Reid - SCJP2 (April 2002)
I love this amazon review:Originally posted by Reid M. Pinchback:
I hear you. Did you ever read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" ?
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Want to do something great will do one day
Any posted remarks that may or may not seem offensive, intrusive or politically incorrect are not truly so.
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Want to do something great will do one day
Want to do something great will do one day
John Coxey
Evansville, Indiana, USA
"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
"Women Adore me"
"Fish FEAR me"
John Coxey
Evansville, Indiana, USA
Want to do something great will do one day
My favorite is a chocolate cupcake with white frosting and tiny ad sprinkles.
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