You might want to consider a few things:
a) It is probably illegal for you to decompile some arbitrary .class file.
b) Regardless of the licence for use of the software, you might be implicating the company that you are doing your internship for, in a lawsuit for breach of copyright.
c) The cost of producing a counter by someone other than yourself is neglible when compared to cost of any lawsuit - especially one such as the possible one as a result of your actions.
d) What you are doing is unethical and considered very unprofessional - an internship often leads to a job - in this case, I would recommend against someone who actively engages in unethical behaviour (I have successfully recommended all interns that I have worked with in the past).
e) Why don't you simply learn how to do it properly anyway? If you don't know how to learn, you will have serious problems once you step into the industry (no, we don't make counters all day
