suppose we are storing all instance variable of class obj in HashMap using reflection
and then we are iterating from HashMap and storing in XML format
we are storing field type , field name and field value in hashmap and output like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root class="One" label=VAR1/>
<int name="int_One" >10</int>
String name="str_One" >One</String>
<float name="float_one" >1.2</float>
what can i use for output like this ......
currently i m using StringBuffer for storing and printing in this way by hardcode
like this
for (int counter = 0; counter <= xmlfieldnames.size(); counter++) {
if (xmlfieldnames.get("FieldName" + counter) != null) {
xmlStrBuffer.append("\n<" +
xmlfieldtype.get("FieldType" + counter) + " name=\"" +
xmlfieldnames.get("FieldName" + counter) + "\" >" +
xmlfieldvalue.get("FieldValue" + counter) + "</" +
xmlfieldtype.get("FieldType" + counter) + ">");
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