Any posted remarks that may or may not seem offensive, intrusive or politically incorrect are not truly so. - Russian America today - Guide To Russia
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
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Any posted remarks that may or may not seem offensive, intrusive or politically incorrect are not truly so. - Russian America today - Guide To Russia
Exactly! I am sure that is exactly what Sadaam is thinking.Originally posted by Shura Balaganov:
Now, keep in mind, when replying, that some of your opponents might not give a rat's arse about either Republicans or Democrats, and just want to find out what is going on behind closed doors.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Any posted remarks that may or may not seem offensive, intrusive or politically incorrect are not truly so. - Russian America today - Guide To Russia
So what now, we are going to stop progress because we are afraid that some Middle Eastern/Asian nation develops a nuke or bio-weapon? How about a simpler plan: JUST STOP FREAKIN' PISSING THEM OFF!
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction. - Ernst F. Schumacher
Originally posted by Shura Balaganov:
Now, "poor" Europe knew there was nothing to worry about in Hitler, untill some "world-domination-sick" boys stepped in and financed him and his buddies...
So what now, we are going to stop progress because we are afraid that some Middle Eastern/Asian nation develops a nuke or bio-weapon? How about a simpler plan: JUST STOP FREAKIN' PISSING THEM OFF!
"First of all I must say something to those who have written to my wife or myself in these last weeks to tell us of their gratitude for my efforts and to assure us of their prayers for my success. Most of these letters have come from women -- mothers or sisters of our own countrymen. But there are countless others besides -- from France, from Belgium, from Italy, even from Germany, and it has been heartbreaking to read of the growing anxiety they reveal and their intense relief when they thought, too soon, that the danger of war was past.
If I felt my responsibility heavy before, to read such letters has made it seem almost overwhelming. How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas masks here because of a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing."
"Since I first went to Berchtesgaden more than 20,0000 letters and telegrams have come to No. 10, Downing Street. Of course, I have been able to look at a tiny fraction of them, but I have seen enough to know that the people who wrote did not feel that they had such a cause for which to fight, if they were asked to go to war in order that the Sudeten Germans might not join the Reich. That is how they are feeling. That is my answer to those who say that we should have told Germany weeks ago that, if her army crossed the border of Czechoslovakia, we should be at war with her. We had no treaty obligations and no legal obligations to Czechoslovakia and if we had said that, we feel that we should have received no support from the people of this country...."
"However much we may sympathize with a small nation confronted by a big and powerful neighbor, we cannot in all circumstances undertake to involve the whole British Empire in war simply on her account."
Originally posted by <slacker>:
Yesterday I saw an interview of Al Sharpton.He had some interesting things to say about Farrahkhan and his views on Saddam.
How long before a new puppet controlled by the US is installed in Iraq?
Originally posted by Shura Balaganov:
Ha, that struck a nerve!![]()
I personally don't care what Saddam thinks either... He is probably not the best choice, but certainly not the worst (your favorite Hitler being example, or even Stalin). Now, "poor" Europe knew there was nothing to worry about in Hitler, untill some "world-domination-sick" boys stepped in and financed him and his buddies... But that's off topic...actually, it is very on topic, since we can trace all this crap back directly to father-Bush... Someone who's nose is in crap should stop making jokes about others not smelling very well...
Rufus, I do not favor reaction. This war is imminent. Bush wants it, I think even Saddam wants it. So they'll both get it. Even if NY Times prints war plans, then what? You want a war, but don't want casualties? Someone has been watching too many John Wayne movies. :roll: All these satellites, invisible bombers and unmanned planes make your head spin, as well as some boy's in Bush's house. What the heck? So what now, we are going to stop progress because we are afraid that some Middle Eastern/Asian nation develops a nuke or bio-weapon? How about a simpler plan: JUST STOP FREAKIN' PISSING THEM OFF!
Anyhow, I am neither attacking anything nor trying to get this thread closed...![]()
Thank you for being here and trying to educate these poor souls. I personally don't have the patience to do so.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction. - Ernst F. Schumacher
Originally posted by <Anonymous>:
Thank you for being here and trying to educate these poor souls.
Any posted remarks that may or may not seem offensive, intrusive or politically incorrect are not truly so. - Russian America today - Guide To Russia
Originally posted by Shura Balaganov:
My point being, that there would be no Hitler threat without someone creating one. And europeans realized that. Except, they couldn't predict that someone very powerful really wanted Hitler to be.
Any posted remarks that may or may not seem offensive, intrusive or politically incorrect are not truly so. - Russian America today - Guide To Russia
Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.
- Robert Bresson
Originally posted by Shura Balaganov:
you'll get hundreds of hits; pick ones you think are credible.
I guess I am more Democrat than I thought
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by <slacker>:
Did anybody see CNBC's Squawk Box poll on "Do you support a war on Iraq"
53% voted no.Good going
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
Does anyone take any of these polls even a little bit seriously?
Wait a minute, I'm trying to think of something clever to say...<p>Joel
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
As you seem to be imlpying, are you saying you believe that the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany and the start of WW2 was because of financing from a few individual Americans, as opposed to the more way out theories like an Axis land grab, a policy of Anglo-French appeasement, the effects of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany, and a European populace easily manipulated by playing on feelings of anti-Semitism and xenophobia?
Any posted remarks that may or may not seem offensive, intrusive or politically incorrect are not truly so. - Russian America today - Guide To Russia
If invoked, the War Powers Act, passed in 1973 late in the Vietnam War, would prohibit the president from waging war for more than 60 days without congressional approval or a declaration of war by Congress.
Visit my download page
Any posted remarks that may or may not seem offensive, intrusive or politically incorrect are not truly so. - Russian America today - Guide To Russia
Originally posted by Shura Balaganov:
And with some luck and money and a very good speaker skills Hitler won.
Jason, your link seems to make fun of a few publications; as a pure loser, "writer" doesn't mind personally attacking other authors; although he does bring some, credible in his mind, sources, which are no different than the others.
However, you can't deny this book...
one of the mentors of Bill Clinton
Anyhow, I don't assume you would call a nightstand book of former president a "conspiracy theory", would you?
These polls (as well as history and "public opinion") are subject to massive manipulation. Just look at Bush's "apporval rating" poll a few months back, somewhat 92%? I am supposed to believe this?
Any posted remarks that may or may not seem offensive, intrusive or politically incorrect are not truly so. - Russian America today - Guide To Russia
After living in USA for the last 23 years, and 45 previous in USSR, I - with regret - started noticing striking similarities between many social and political tendencies in both countries. In last 3-4 years it became obvious to me that America is building communism without quite noticing it.
The same democracy that brought wealth and power to this country and wich in last 220 years was a role model of government, started recently changing into something that has no good name. Actually, it has. Dictatorship. But not of proletariat, but of unscrupulous, arrogant and incompetent minority.
This minority is now supported by more and more americans, who are ideologically brainwashed by Hollywood liberals, black leaders and incompetent university professors. Communism can't be built without support of majority of people. Exactly what wrote Fedor Shalyapin about Bolshevism: "Equality lead to disparagement of anyone who stuck his head out above water level."
Any posted remarks that may or may not seem offensive, intrusive or politically incorrect are not truly so. - Russian America today - Guide To Russia
disappearance of american hero
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Michael Morris:
Who's pissin' who off? Americans by nature would by far rather let sleepin' dogs lie, but when one of a pack of mongrels comes up and bites you in the ass while your back is turned, it's time to deal with all of them.
Michael Morris
And which countries have been fighting with Israel since 1948? Here's a question for you... between 1948 and 1967, the Arab countries owned the west bank... so why didn't they set up a Palestinian state? Why is a Palestinian state in the west bank so important to the Arab world only since Israel occupied the west bank?Originally posted by <anonymous>:
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyy gggggooooooooooddddddddddddd hahahahahahahahah
Who is financing Israil with money and weapons to fight with palastein.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by some anonymous pansy:
Why U$ support Israil?
Originally posted by sridhar satuloori:
This war against Iraq may side line war against terror