Originally posted by Shreya Menon:
yes there are ActiveX controls available, but not written in Java.
But I am not familiar with how to integrate ActiveX with JSP.
Originally posted by David M Fairchild:
This may not help much but you might be able to use JNI the Java Native Interface to do this.
Of course, that's the whole point. Java can't put things in the Windows system tray, any more than a cow can drive a BMW.
Originally posted by Henry Wong:
I have an issue with any analogy that refers to Java as a cow, while at the same time, refers to Windows as a BMW ...![]()
Originally posted by Shreya Menon:
Purpose of this icon: This icon flashes right now, when a new work comes to the users. Even if the window which they are accessing is minimised, by seeing the icon they can understand that a new work is waiting for them.
Now when the users log out of the system/close browser, this icon should disappear from systray.
This client could be (among other things!):
1) A signed applet plus a native-code DLL. The user would have to download and install that DLL. They would have to have the Java Plugin installed.
2) A JavaWebStart application with a native-code DLL. The DLL could actually be included in the Java Web Start application and installed automatically. But the user would have to have Java Web Start installed.
3) An ActiveX control. This would be downloaded automatically, with zero install for the user. The downside, of course, is that this is not written in Java.
SCJP<br />SCJD - someday!
Originally posted by Shreya Menon:
Before trying JWS with DLL, I thought of trying JDIC tray.jar with JWS. I created a jnlp file and trying to invoke that jnlp thru a link. Now, does JWS always need to launch an application. I donot want to launch this app. I just want to install my jar file/DLL using JWS. Looks like JWS inserts jar to its own cache and automatically launches the app [That means, I need to have an application-desc tag with a main-class in jnlp file.
Have you or anyone tried to use JWS and just install jar/DLL ?
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