I'd say "Any Kevin Smith movie" - MallRats has the Jedi mind trick. Can't immediately think of one for Dogma and Clerks Well, "Clerks" had an amusing (at the time) discussion about whether or not the Death Star would have had a significant number of independent contractors involved in its construction, innocent victims of the Rebels' lethal attack. A more modern take on this idea can be found
here. (Note that no, we do
not need a big argument here over the validity of this particular satire.)
In the last few years there have been a
lot of low-budget satires of the Star Wars films - distributed primarily over the internet. Many are rather lame, but some are extremely funny and well done. My favorites are
Troops and
George Lucas in Love.
The Surreal World also had some funny stuff in it.
As for the original question: we could just use
IMDB's list of Star Wars references. But I guess that would be too easy.

[ November 01, 2002: Message edited by: Jim Yingst ]