Originally posted by Clarice Doe:
It encapsulates state and behaviour. But, what effect does that has on whether Java is OO or not.
Good stuff! A class represents the state and behavior of "something". Now what is that "something"? When we design an application, we try to split up the problem domain into a conceptual set of objects and then we write classes that represent the state and behavior of these objects within the application scope. Even to start an application you will need an object, which would be the starting point. Even this is an object from where your application kicks off.
Thats the reason why I put it up in the form of a question itself. There is no way you can write a non-object-oriented program, atleast as far as I know, in Java. Ofcourse you can have an interface or an abstract class. But what is the purpose of it?! Where will you use it?! What does it represent?! It isn't even going to have a context in such a case.
I dunno how far I have been able to express myself. But if you still have questions then shoot back