In the poll, the number of Americans earning $20,000 to $30,000 who said their taxes were about right jumped from 37% in 1991 to 66% now. The tax rate on lower-income earners was cut from 15% to 10% in 2001, causing more to pay no federal income tax.
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Talk about spinning the news. :roll: Check out the article. For one thing, this article doesn't produce all the numbers of the poll. If anyone can find them, that would be great, because I sure couldn't.
I did see this report mentioned on one of the cable news stations last night with all the correct numbers though. According to that report, of the majority surveyed who felt that "income taxes were about right", 66% of them pay no income tax!!! The number from that report does correspond to this quote rom the article:
Now, in this great country of ours, the top 10% of the population pays 70% of the taxes. Where does this "rich" 10% begin on the pay scale? Around $92K!!! Anybody who lives in a major metropolitan area in this country knows that a large portion of middle class dual-income families are easily going to break this $92k mark. So when you hear these a-holes complaining about tax cuts only benefitting the "wealthy", the "wealthy" they are talking about includes these middle class families, who are helping to foot a majority of the tax bill.
Just a little something to think about this upcoming tax season.
Originally posted by herb slocomb:
No more stay at home moms. But ever notice how social problems such as child/teen drug abuse, sex, pregancy, and delinquincy increased when moms aren't around when the kids get out of school at 3:30? And there is a correlation between juvenile crime and adult crime rates. So there you have it; parasitism, crime, class warfare, and the US slowly going to hell with Democratic demogogory on taxes.
"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Now, in this great country of ours, the top 10% of the population pays 70% of the taxes. Where does this "rich" 10% begin on the pay scale? Around $92K!!! Anybody who lives in a major metropolitan area in this country knows that a large portion of middle class dual-income families are easily going to break this $92k mark. So when you hear these a-holes complaining about tax cuts only benefitting the "wealthy", the "wealthy" they are talking about includes these middle class families, who are helping to foot a majority of the tax bill.
Originally posted by Melvin Menezes:
Jason, probably I misunderstood the point you are trying to make, but I found your above statement kind-of self contradictory.
At first, your post seems to make a point that the top 10% of the people include 'all the rich business people as well as all the middle-class' families earning above pay scale of 92K per annum. So if the tax cuts are going to benefit all wealthy people, then those wealthy includes all middle-class above 92k families too and not just the rich.
But at the same time your post agrees that all the rich and all the middle-class families above 92K pay scale who are going to benefit from the taxcut form only 10% of the population.
This means
a) for those who are complaining, 10% wealthy == rich busness people only
b) for those who agree with your opinion, 10% wealthy == rich business people + middle class
But one fact that both sides seem to agree on is that 70% of taxes is paid by 10% and that the tax-cut benefits only those top 10%. The rest 90% will not gain anything from the taxcuts. So isn't their complaint valid in a way?
Or was the intention of yout post to prove that it is not just "10%" but more than that.
Originally posted by Melvin Menezes:
[QBThose who made more money, paid more, as well as saved more. So they are probably already spending as much as they need or may be only a little less than they would like to.
But if more money is distributed towards those 30k-92k group, more people will be able to contribute towards the economic simulation. This approach might sound like socialism, but won't it be good to lean a little bit away from extreme capitalism when the economy is not at its best.
Didn't get the 'likely shouldering an unfair share' part here.
Any posted remarks that may or may not seem offensive, intrusive or politically incorrect are not truly so. - Russian America today - Guide To Russia
Originally posted by Melvin Menezes:
[b]Then according to you, to make it fair, we have only two options- increase the percentage of tax for lower brackets or decrease that of the higher brackets. Either way, we must make them "equal". Right? So which of the two ways would you propose to make it fair?
To say the above in a different way: Let's Keep the economic stimulation aside for a while. Even in a perfectly stable and growing economy, the government needs money for zillions of things- building roads, security, etc. and it collects money by way of taxes. Do you think it is possible to tax people proportionately the same and still generate the same revenue that the goverment is right now?
Originally posted by Melvin Menezes:
About the percentage of taxes on income at different income levels, this is what I understood from your posts: To have a fair tax system, make everybody pay the same percentage, say X%, of their income in taxes. That means increase the % for those paying less than X right now, and decrease the % of for those paying more X, so that they all pay exactly X% of their incomes.
In this case, (i) you agree with me that they would not be able to generate the same amount of revenue through income taxes, and (ii) I agree with you that income taxes aren't the only means to generate revenue.
But that fact still remains that the loss in income tax as in #(i) can be of considerable amount, because 70% of the taxes are paid by 10% people and we are proposing to reduce their taxes from whatever they are paying to a certain X%.
Any posted remarks that may or may not seem offensive, intrusive or politically incorrect are not truly so. - Russian America today - Guide To Russia
Originally posted by Shura Balaganov:
Sure, if top 1% of population owns over 80% of the riches, it makes sence.
It may as well be a fact. But a fact of no use. Sure, if top 1% of population owns over 80% of the riches, it makes sence.
Matthew Phillips
Originally posted by Paul Stevens:
He was talking about the wealth not actual income.
Matthew Phillips
Originally posted by Paul Stevens:
That was his point. He changed the arguement in the middle and brought up a different topic. I think to try to make the point that the "rich" don't deserve a tax break because they are rich.
Matthew Phillips
Originally posted by Paul Stevens:
Borrowed from another site.
If you don't understand the Democrats' version of tax cuts ...
50,000 people go to a baseball game...
Originally posted by Melvin Menezes:
Paying for baseball tickets is paying for receiving a service and is a voluntary action. Paying taxes is a duty imposed by law. Where's the analogy :roll: ?
and btw, democrats version surely does not mean refunding 15 to those who paid 10 AFAIK.
Talking about spinning :roll: ?
Matthew Phillips
The government does have a greater responsibility to ensure that the law is equally applied to all people BUT at the same time the government also has a greater responsibility to ensure that none of the citizens are deprived of their basic needs. And that is why we have welfare programs.
Matthew Phillips
girl power ... turns out to be about a hundred watts. But they seriuosly don't like being connected to the grid. Tiny ad:
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