I show 2 strings to client say s1 and s2 like
s1 s2.
s1 can be maximum length 15 .I add some spaces to s1 and make it
string of size 20 .For e.g. if i has s1="Ahmed" then i add 15 spaces to the left and if it contain "OWMHJU" then i add 14 spaces to the left .In this way it look like
s1 s2
s1 s2 and not like
s1 s2
s1 s2
s1 and s2 can contian lowercase and uppercase characters and i not have the option of coverting it to lowercase or uppercase.I has to preserve the case.The problem is for the same number of characters lowercase and uppercase characters occupy different space because of this the look slightly distorted.Is there is any method so that lowercase and uppercase characters same space.