Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
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"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
The US generally believes that "action talks, BS walks", as it were. That is, words only mean so much, you have to back up what you are saying with concrete action eventually. The US is a nation of do-ers. Straight talk, followed by action, is valued. The haughty are generally looked down upon.
On the other hand, Western Europe seems to fashion itself as a very civilized place where anything can be resolved through diplomacy. It does not matter how long it takes to achieve these goals, eventually they can be reached through diplomatic means. The protocols and process of diplomacy are equally as important as the results sought. Straight talk is often not appreciated as it dances around protocol. Given a fair shot, even the most ruthless can be successfully negotiated with in order to achieve some desirable outcome.
Keep in mind I'm not indicting either side for their views, just trying to objectively cite the differences where I see them without claiming that either side necessarily is right or wrong.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Abadula Joshi:
I have one more question to ask ---
Suppose the US/Iaq war is over and Hussein is killed or exiled, do you think USA homeland security status will get better or worse ? DO you think USA will get more or less threat and/or attack from his enemies ?
"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
Suppose the US/Iaq war is over and Hussein is killed or exiled, do you think USA homeland security status will get better or worse ? DO you think USA will get more or less threat and/or attack from his enemies ?
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
I think it will remain the same.
Originally posted by Abadula Joshi:
If it doesn't improve homeland security status and doesn't reduce any terrorism threat, then may I ask why war ? why now ?
and is it worthwhile ?
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
I should add that I always appreciate Axel's views on these subjects as he can give us a much better insight than we would otherwise have. All we can do as Americans generally is state our perceptions of how Europe might view things.
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Originally posted by Abadula Joshi:
"The British public sees President Bush (news - web sites) as a greater threat to world peace than Iraq (news - web sites)'s Saddam Hussein (news - web sites), a poll published on Tuesday showed. The poll, commissioned by Channel 4 Television, asked 1,000 people whether they believed Bush was a greater threat to world peace than Saddam. Forty-five percent agreed while 38 percent disagreed."
What's going on ???
Originally posted by shay Aluko:
Also bear in mind thst the US is the only superpower left with enough weapons to destroy the world several times over.
Originally posted by Abadula Joshi:
If it doesn't improve homeland security status and doesn't reduce any terrorism threat, then may I ask why war ? why now ?
and is it worthwhile ?
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Abadula Joshi:
"The British public sees President Bush (news - web sites) as a greater threat to world peace than Iraq (news - web sites)'s Saddam Hussein (news - web sites), a poll published on Tuesday showed. The poll, commissioned by Channel 4 Television, asked 1,000 people whether they believed Bush was a greater threat to world peace than Saddam. Forty-five percent agreed while 38 percent disagreed."
What's going on ???
Mark Fletcher -
I had some Java certs, but they're too old now...
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
I think the most intersting line is: I can safely say that the majority of Brits think that Bush is a total idiot.
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
I think the most intersting line is: I can safely say that the majority of Brits think that Bush is a total idiot.
That is such a bizarre thought. Does anyone really think a total idiot could get elected president of the United States? I'm not sure what the basis of this is. Because he is not a good public speaker?
Mark Fletcher -
I had some Java certs, but they're too old now...
Originally posted by Rufus BugleWeed:
You say it's all about oil and lining our pockets. This is categorically, unquestionably just a self serving lie. US has not made big money in Kuwait. Can you explain why?
Mark Fletcher -
I had some Java certs, but they're too old now...
Originally posted by Rufus BugleWeed:
US has not made big money in Kuwait. Can you explain why?
"Thanks to Indian media who has over the period of time swiped out intellectual taste from mass Indian population." - Chetan Parekh
I looked over the "gaffes" and I don't actually see too many gaffes. I see some mispronunciations (but he has a Texas drawl). This one for instance: "You've heard Al Gore say he invented the internet. Well, if he was so smart, why do all the addresses begin with "W"?" Don't you think that is a pretty funny joke? Why would anyone assume the Dubya was serious when he said it? I think the anti-Bush stuff comes from a general anti-America attitude that ultimately derives from an anti-semitic atitude.Originally posted by Don Kiddick:
True story. Maybe it's to do with all the gaffs he makes :
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
I'm not sure what the article is trying to say. Is it claiming that everyone saw the weapons of Deseret Storm and thought they were really cool and so they bought them? What does selling F-16s to Singapore have to do with Desert Storm? It seems like the author just assumed that the only reason anyone bought a weapon from a US company after Desert Storm was because of Desert Storm. Just because "B" came after "A" does not mean that "A" caused "B".Originally posted by Ravish Kumar:
Source is "The Week", a reputed weekly magazine of India.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
I think the anti-Bush stuff comes from a general anti-America attitude that ultimately derives from an anti-semitic atitude.
Originally posted by Mark Fletcher:
However the perception over here is that by invading Iraq, Bush, Cheney, Rice et al will *personally* profit from the war. And perhaps it is this perceived act of greed and self interest that has garnered so much support against the war.
Originally posted by Mark Fletcher:
However the perception over here is that by invading Iraq, Bush, Cheney, Rice et al will *personally* profit from the war. And perhaps it is this perceived act of greed and self interest that has garnered so much support against the war.
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
I think the anti-Bush stuff comes from a general anti-America attitude that ultimately derives from an anti-semitic atitude.
Mark Fletcher -
I had some Java certs, but they're too old now...
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
I'm certain that economic dealings with France, Germany (whose economy is in shambles), Russia, and China may also be re-examined.
Originally posted by Mark Fletcher:
I could see that this might be the case in the Middle East, but else where, no. Id say its more likely that the current levels of anti-Americanism are more likely attributable to the anti-Bush attitude resulting from Bush's foreign policy.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
What it doesn't address is why the US public is so much in support of this war. If anything, it seems to conveniently ignore US public support or worse, to write it off as some masterful brain-washing and propaganda campaign over an ignorant populace.
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
And what foreign policy would that be? Because I noticed the anti-Bush stuff started in Europe well before Iraq was an issue. And are you saying that the Europeans loved Americans when Clinton was president? That doesn't fit in with my memories.
Originally posted by Don Kiddick:
Didn't the US government brainwash it's populace into believing communism was in some way inherently evil... doesn't sound that farfetched to me.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
I'm certain that economic dealings with France, Germany (whose economy is in shambles), Russia, and China may also be re-examined.
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
And you are saying that communism isn't evil? And you base this opinion on the performance of communism under which leader? Stalin? Mao? Pol-Pot?
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Well don't expect me to do the dishes! This ad has been cleaned for your convenience:
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