As we know we can asiign a array boject to a same dimensional array object
For ex:
String[] array1 = {"one","two","three"};
String[] array2 = array1;
The above looks obviously simple but is there any metho to check when the same is for a multi dimesional array reference. I get confused when we have something like this. Can someone share a methodology to solve this or tell me an easy shortcut of how to identify the correct version.
public class
Test {
2. public static void main(String [] args) {
3. byte [][] big = new byte [7][7];
4. byte [][] b = new byte [2][1];
5. byte b3 = 5;
6. byte b2 [][][][] = new byte [2][3][1][2];
8. }
9. }
which of the following lines of code could be inserted at line 7, and still allow the code to
compile? (Choose four that would work.)
A. b2[0][1] = b;
B. b[0][0] = b3;
C. b2[1][1][0] = b[0][0];
D. b2[1][2][0] = b;
E. b2[0][1][0][0] = b[0][0];
F. b2[0][1] = big;
Thanks in advance for letting me know how it works.