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kicking off my java app on windows mobile

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I have a tiny swing app that I wrote for a windows mobile contraption.

Everything works just peachy. And now I want to slap an icon in the "programs" stuff so that my app can do its thing.

This is starting to look a lot more complicated than I thought it would be ... somehow, I thought I just need to come up with a batch file and an icon. But now it's beginning to look like I have to get a bunch of microsoft tools ....

Anybody out there a power WM user? Help!
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I got used to it.

try: http://www.iconarchive.com/

That's the way they play, they run a successful world empire so if Java Ranch actually plans world domination you should study their methods.

I found that the learning edition 5.0 provided a way to make free iconics, the compiler as issued usually has a gui tool of some sort that allows you to design and deploy graphics. It has been so long I do not even remember what it is called - I have an advanced book on Proprietary vc programming by one of their flagship authors. I will send it to you free and pay the shipping costs just to get rid of it.
paul wheaton
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I found an icon I like - thanks for the link!

And I got a batch file working.

I'm trying to understand what the rest of your message is saying. Are you saying that I do have to fire up some MS dev tools to be able to put an icon on the mobile windows stuff?
Nicholas Jordan
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Originally posted by paul wheaton:
I'm trying to understand what the rest of your message is saying. Are you saying that I do have to fire up some MS dev tools to be able to put an icon on the mobile windows stuff?

Probably, the icon files are part of an exe - included with something called a resource editor. I say probably because there is always some caveat somewhere or something, I do not always have the time to follow down every possible way of responding to a challenge of some kind.

I did note for the record that icons may be generated with Java code using http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/components/icon.html

It gets really involved trying to deal with all the flip-backs of how the individual data items in a graphic are read at load time. In basic novelty the matter is remarkably simple, but yes to write a winCE you will probably have to use the resource editor or something.

There was a massive amount of free graphics in every edition of MSVC that I did try, they are not shy about it. It is the investment of time and thinking that is the price to pay.

There is a call in the win32 api to the effect of LoadIconImage(),... I can look it up for you if you want.
paul wheaton
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Are you saying that the java icon stuff is (or can be) tied to the mobile windows program files icons?
Nicholas Jordan
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Well it can, this is gonna become a lenghty post if we walk the doggie home on that. By your permission I will do a work up on where your needs can go far and where they can go astray. All caveats apply and promise you won't worry about hurting my feelings beyond what it takes to keep the Ranchers Happy and smiling.
paul wheaton
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Somehow I thought I would just create a shortcut in the "programs" stuff, set an icon, and then be all done with this project. After all, I don't need a fancy installer or anything, I just need to set up one contraption with this tiny java app.

I've tinkered with the java icon stuff in the past as a means for playing with images. It seems that travelling that road in order to monkey with the MW O/S could get hairy.

I'm looking to get this thing running and get it out of my hair. If I have to run some MS dev tool to do it, I guess I might as well bite the bullet.

At this point in time, I'm guessing that the shortest path is the MS dev tool?
Nicholas Jordan
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What is the primary linguistic of the app?

Java, MSVC or some hairy combo.

How many icons do you need and what nice(ness) do you want?

Do you have any pre-generated images that are suitable or candidate images. IOW fulfilling the look and feel you want. What do the icons represent.
paul wheaton
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Originally posted by Nicholas Jordan:
What is the primary linguistic of the app?

I've been doing this geek thing for a long time and this is the first time I've ever heard of a linguistic for an app.


Java, MSVC or some hairy combo.

Pure java. It's a jar file. So it is run as "java -jar myapp.jar"

How many icons do you need and what nice(ness) do you want?

Just one launcher icon.

Do you have any pre-generated images that are suitable or candidate images. IOW fulfilling the look and feel you want. What do the icons represent.

I found one on the link you provided earlier: http://www.iconarchive.com/show/openphone-icons-by-walrick/Browser-icon.html

So ... just to be clear ... My app is a tiny swing app that just shows text (no icons; no interesting graphics). The whole app is 16k. And I just need an easy way to launch it. So I'm guessing an icon will help a lot here.
paul wheaton
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I don't know the answer, but I googled a little because I was curious. From what I gather, wince has *.lnk files just like Windows, and the general trick has always been getting an existing *.lnk that launches a Java program and editing it to suit, because it's apparently just text.

This is for the Jeode JVM; don't know what you're using, but I bet you could make it work:


Step 4 of "To prepare your application to run on a Windows CE device" looks like the key. Let us know if it works!
Nicholas Jordan
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Okay, this simplifies both the discussion and the work, doing so by a dramatic margin. We can get a lot done today, please invite observations by the rich collection of Master Workers you have here. They can save both of us untold grief and misery.

I found one on the link you provided earlier:

The problem with those things is exactly the same problem you are having already. I do not want to incite citations but note that certo : to contend, settle, dispute, to settle by combat. by which those sites maintain survival of the fittest is done by pinging a monitor that takes your customers away if you start getting a lot of business.

Let's write the icon by the ican ( I can ) method. Sun has put a lot into the Java work so let's vis-a-vis by using their lib.

So ... just to be clear ... My app is a tiny swing app that just shows text (no icons; no interesting graphics). The whole app is 16k. And I just need an easy way to launch it. So I'm guessing an icon will help a lot here.

This goes beyond guessing well into the arena of implemeting Java User Interface Guidlines. 100 percent plus correct.

Response posted by nicholas jordan:

// Some individual words Copyright 1999-2007 RIM.
// All other work is the discussion of an opinion
// in a technical forum and has no rightful derivative use.

What's so difficult about this ? ( following )

As to the correctness of linguistic for an app, I probably should have written application. There are a lot of well informed workers here and I wanted to be clear lest I become cibus : food for men and animals. See http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/~goguen/papers/compl.htmlThe discussion there has no cussin.

The fact that the icon is in a dot jar file eliminates one snag, that of the user unintentionally deleting the image file. Another, which will require skills of those whom I was respecting is how to get the iconic to show on the TaskBar or Desktop. This should be addresses somewhere in the call chain for javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable. I also suggest that you sit there are tediously come up with some art of a Wheat ( as in amber waves of grain ) to make your iconic a work totally of your own. There are licensing issues in the long term that probably marc can advise on, and I welcome him to contermand me on this but I have not seen the level of work I require for licensing anywhere but Creative Commons.

It gets well beyond Meaningless Drivel just to open the conversation. I will Point Blank defer to marc's instructs to you on this narrow arrow. Drink Tatty Parsinp Beer, it'll snip your troubles away.
Nicholas Jordan
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Originally posted by Ernest Friedman-Hill:
(...snip...)From what I gather, wince has *.lnk files just like Windows, and the general trick has always been getting an existing *.lnk that launches a Java program and editing it to suit, because it's apparently just text.(...snip...)

There's a lot of bit flipping going on, I formally ask you to watch out for original posters interest on issues buried deep in byte order and that sort of thing.

paul wheaton
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Along the lines of the link you provided, I found this one where the developer was using the same jvm I am using. That thread refers to this page where there are even more details.

So far I am able to get the app kicked off via the lnk stuff. But the jvm icon is showing up. I tried to use their stuff to reference a .png per the instructions ... then later, a .ico ... neither seemed to work. But neither of these seem to get anything into the "programs" menu.

So I think I have two problems to resolve still:

1) get the right icon to show up with the app.

2) get my stuff into the program menu
paul wheaton
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I'm getting the impression that I cannot have a standalone icon, but that it has to be in a dll or a exe. Anybody know anything about that?
Nicholas Jordan
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It can be put in the dot jar file. The startup link is a dot lnk file which either works as EFH is finding or close enough to that such that the link may be designed by that pardigm. I think it is a very few control characters at one end of the range of characters that are actually control characters. It is just that so many bit flippers get involved that I am leary of doing this level of work without some caveats in place.

There is a call in the MSVC that will create shortcut files, you probably have to review the default values. Often there is a wrapper call avilable that has most of the paramater list set to useable values.
[ April 18, 2008: Message edited by: Nicholas Jordan ]
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