I have a small problem with seting TimeZone.
in my apllication i have a date value as
string , i need to parse it
as Date object, and setting default timezone as PST, then if i parsed
that string it is automatically converted into IST with different
here if i print the date iam getting like 05/19/2008 04:33 AM (IST)
but it has to show same except timezone as PST
after parsing the string using parse()
the output iam getting like Mon May 19 08:33:00 EDT 2008
but it is taking input as IST and setting to EDT as some time difference
but what i need is it has to take as PST what i had given in string
and if i change timezone as EST it has to show 3 hours difference as well as EST..
appriciate if any ideas..
the output value is :
Mon May 19 15:03:00 IST 2008
but i need :
05/19/2008 04:33 AM (EST)";
can you please let me know how can i do this..
appriciate if any ideas..

[ May 20, 2008: Message edited by: Naresh Talluri ]