Situation summary:
Running two
java applications on the same machine.
App A is launched and creates a ServerSocket on port 4445.
App B is launched after App A. It creates a ServerSocket on port 4446 and then sends a message to port 4445 (send config).
App A receives message on port 4445 and sends message (config) to port 4446.
App B receives message on port 4446.
This worked fine on all flavors of XP (and I believe it was tested on Windows NT, 2000 and 2003, too).
When tried on Vista, both Apps are unable to send messages; Connection refused: connect.
Neither app has a problem with serversocket creation or accept() (at least no error is reported).
I turned off the firewall with no change.
I am new to Vista and need some guidance as to what to try next.
Abbreviated details:
App B
App A code is the same except for portNum.