Originally posted by tushar limaye:
what is the need of interface?
what is exact use of it?
You can also use interface for a couple of other things. I'll give you two examples. One is a really simple one, bit can be really handy.
Example One: Constants
If you have four or five different files let us say that all need to use the same constants one way to give them access is to put all the constants in an interface like so:
Then, you can implement your interface and have access to all those constants in your file, like so:
Example 2.
Okay, there is another cool use for them, but this one is a LOT more indepth. You can write your class so that it can fire of events to other classes that listen for those events. Those other classes would implement some interface you create so that you can fire the events to them. This is probably way to complex for this forum, so I won't get into it here, but once you've written more and more
Java programs you'll find interfaces become a very cool concept that let you do a lot of things.
So, I hope this helps some.