posted 23 years ago
Actually, most random number generators (pseudo-random number generators) create lists of repeating random number. That is, for every seed, one will obtain the same list of numbers until the list starts to repeat.
That is why if "randomness" is important, one usually performs a chi-squared analysis on a set of seeds from which one selects a pool to pick from. I have seen many random number generators that will create lists lengths of > 2000 numbers before repeating while creating at the same time create hundreds of lists with lenghts of 2, 3 and 4 numbers that start to repeat.
Again, if it not really important (like a game) no problem. If it is important like a simulation that will used to base decisions upon, the analysis should be done. And if it is really important, like a slot machine or an electronic poker machine, then one needs to go to a "hardware" addon solution or a reseed every so often approch.
[This message has been edited by Steve Fahlbusch (edited February 02, 2001).]