Hi Chandana,
You seem to be getting confused with terminology. Your title talks about ClassPath and your topic only mentions Path. There are 2 different paths in question here.
The Path variable you have set seems correct. It is only used in compilation. If your code compiles (with or without errors) then your Path is correct.
The ClassPath variable should at least be set to "." if you plan to run any program from the directory where it resides.
If you are running WinNT:
Goto MyComputer and right click,
Choose properties (last menu item)
Select the Environment Tab
If no CLASSPATH variable exists:
Type in CLASSPATH in the Variable textfield
Type in .; in the Value textfield
If a CLASSPATH does exist:
Make sure it has a single dot(".") in it (between
2 semi-colons).
Click Ok button on bottom of Window.
You should now be able to go to the directory where your *.java file exists, compile it, and run it without any problems.