The problems telling the compiler that you want to treat some characters that it normally thinks of as part of java syntax, that in this case you want it treated as a literal. To do that you use the \ character.
int i = st.executeUpdate("insert into kwality values(\"" + arg[0] + "\", + arg[1] + "\")");
This is trying to get the sentence:
"insert into kwality values("arg[0],arg[1]")
" into the executeUpdate(
string); syntax.
The arg[] values need to be concatenated outside of the double quotes like:
executeUpdate("string1" + arg[0] + "string2" + arg[1] + "string3");
However the embedded double quotes would end the first string at the wrong places so you need to break it down into:
"insert into kwality values(\"
" + arg[0] +
"\", \"
"+ arg[1] +
" Where the red quotes are part of the syntax and the black quotes are part of what is trying to get written and therefore need escapes.
[This message has been edited by Cindy Glass (edited September 13, 2001).]