Should point to the directory containing your source (*.java) files
seems ok.
>And I have the following questions:
Lots of questions for one
>1. what is the difference between javax.swing and java.awt as
>both of them are used for GUI? or Was .awt replaced by swing
>starting from 1.3?
java.awt is heavyweight while javax.swing is lightweight. The two should not be mixed. The idea was for swing to pretty much replace awt.
>2. what is the meaning of primitives? int, boolean and char?
primitive = something other than an object
int = 32 bit integral number
boolean = true/false
char = unicode character
>3. what is the difference between .jpx and .jpr under JBuilder
No idea
>4. What is the meaning of the following statement?
>"The initial value is zero in the case of an array of numerical
>values, false for boolean arrays, '\u0000' for arrays storing
>type char, and null for an array of a class type."
Which part don't you understand?

All arrays are initialized upon construction. What they are initialized to depends on the type of array. This is telling you the default initialization values for each type of array.
>5. Any other recommended Java Forum and resources web sites?
Lots of forums and resources here on javaranch. Explore them.
>6. Does Java use Pointer '*' and Reference '&' like C++?