I have been using an e-mail address with the Yahoo for more than three years. Recently (in the past week), I have received this message (shown below) from
[email protected] saying that my e-mail address will be expiring.
Two things make me feel suspicious about the notification. First, the e-mails always appear in the "bulk" folder. Usually, the bulk folder is where the spam mails are. Second, the name of the sender following "Best regards, Administrator" is alway "not" a ligitimate name (see the message below).
Therefore, I do not want to open the attachment for fear of some kind of virus. The name of the attachment is always "message.zip".
Do any of you have received similar mails? I need your advices regarding what is really going on.
Hello there,
I would like to inform you about important information regarding your
email address. This email address will be expiring.
Please read attachment for details.
Best regards, Administrator