i had a problem in how to implement the loop conditions .the problem is as follows:
int num,harray[],raaray[],rindex;
i want to check the condition whether value of num is less than or equal to the values of rarray [i] where i = 0 to rindex .incase this conditon is true i want to increment the value of num to num+1000 ,store the value of this num in haaray[0].(p.s rindex value is always less than the array size).and call another function called heap
Incase the conditon is false for all the values of raaray[rindex] then i want to insert haaray[0]=num and called the function called heap.
i have been trying to figure how to write down this code .my code what i have wriiten is as follows but i am not sure whether it is correct or not so please let me know
the code is as follows :
The doubt which i have is whether the if conditoin will check for all the i values or not .and i want to go to the assignment portion in the else case only after all the i values have been checked and not satisfied .but i am not sure whether this is implemented in this code which i have wriiten .Please let me know
(edited by Cindy to format code)
[ March 07, 2002: Message edited by: Cindy Glass ]