Recall that I was able to recreate your error experience by not having the JMF installed. After installation, the application worked properly. I still suspect that it is a system setting, such that the JMF classes are not by default available to Java applications running directly under Windows.
The most obvious (to me) and relevant system setting is the CLASSPATH setting. On my system, it is an environment variable with this value:
.;H:\j2sdk1.4.0_01\bin;H:\PROGRA~1\JMF21~1.1\lib\sound.jar;H:\PROGRA~1\JMF21~1.1\lib\jmf.jar But I suppose that your classpath is already set correctly.
Let's confirm that more than one jarred JMF application won't work on your system by double-clicking on it, but will work at the command line. I've used the code you posted to create a similar jar file (only the main class name and jar file name are different) available for download
here. With this jar file, is your previous experience repeatable? It does work on my system - both at the command line and by doubl-clicking on it.
Otherwise, the original jar file in question Don has agreed to make available so that others might experiment with it a bit and report back their experience. Download it
here. Note that installation of the JMF would also be required to
test these jar files. It's a small download and an easy installation. It's available from Sun at