HOOORAYYY!!! Finally got it running!!....and learned a lot about
class paths in the process...
OK...When I was getting the 3 "class not found exception" popups,
those were notices/JOptionPanes I had defined in the catch block for the
exception. I got 3 because there are 3 SQL queries that are executed
when the program loads. But I had worded them in such a way that they
"sounded" like they were system generated!
Once I had determined that it was these "generic" error
notices/popups I had coded, what were confusing me I modified each
notice to tell me exactly where it was being generated, and in that
way i was able to determine that the JVM was not finding the mysql
jdbc driver, when launching from the command line. (Why it worked
within the IDE I'd love to know ).
So going back to the driver instructions I unpacked the files
placed them in my application directories where specified and removed
the classpath entry in the environment variables which pointed to the
driver binary .jar file.
( This also makes it easier to transport the application as I won't
need to mess with the users classpath )
I can't thank all of you enough, for your time, ideas, and patience.