In fact, if it isn't too late, you might want to have even more classes:
Student - any info about the student
-->Name, student number, address, etc.
CourseMaster - about a course( can be offered anytime )
-->CourseID, course name, course description, length ( maybe effective dates )
CourseOffering - a course that is offered for students to register in
-->CourseOfferId, Course_ID, start date, finish date, maximum enrollment number, minimum enrollment, fees, campus, ( maybe even room assignment and professor assignment if this is a
java course assignment )
StudentCourse - a student's status in a particlur course offering
-->Student_ID, Offer_id, status( registered, withdrawn, etc )
StudentGrade - a student's mark in a course
-->Student_ID, CourseID, grade
This may be a little overboard, but I think you have too many things embedded within one class. It won't allow any flexibility, and the class would be hard to maintain.