Originally posted by Richard Hawkes:
"Nazi" and "Liberal" will be added soon
Originally posted by HS Thomas:
Racist and sexist words are discriminatory. Most people agree and abide with that (in public and in private I hope).
There was a recent ruling (in a court,I think, in the U.S.) that the word "hate" is discriminatory. Actually , it was the context in which it was used in a pamphlet. I can't lay my hands on the story right now.
[ October 23, 2003: Message edited by: HS Thomas ]
I hate the official at Gonzaga University.Originally posted by HS Thomas:
"Officials at Gonzaga University in Washington State banned an author from distributing fliers for a speech about his book,
Why The Left Hates America. The word "hate" said the university was "discriminatory". The student group that organised the talk was officially reprimanded for holding an event at which the spaeker admitted to "hating"."
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Originally posted by HS Thomas:
All food containing nuts has been banned because one child suffers from a nut allergy.
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