Originally posted by Carlos Montes:
Yes but Which lines do i include?
This one?
C:\Documents and Settings\shr3dd3r\My Documents\javastuff>set path=%path%;C:\j2sdk1.4.2\bin;
or just this set path=%path%;C:\j2sdk1.4.2\bin;
Hi Carlos,
I have the jdk installed under Win 2000. Try these steps:
1. Right click on the My Computer icon on your desktop
2. Select properties
3. Click the Advanced tab
4. Click the Environment Variables button
You should see a User variables window and a System variables window
6. Under the System variables window, do you have a variable named CLASSPATH ??
7. If not, then click the new button under the System variables window, If you do then make sure it has the stuff in steps 8 and 9
8. Under variable name, type this: CLASSPATH
9. Under the variable value, type the full path to the folder in which you will be saving all of your
java work, which you've said is:
C:\Documents and Settings\shr3dd3r\My Documents\javastuff
As I understand it, having a classpath set allows you to import classes that you've already created and want to use in other programs.
But I personally think you also need to amend your path variable and add the full path to folder in which your java and javac exe's are located, which in your case is C:\j2sdk1.4.2\bin Just add C:\j2sdk1.4.2\bin; either to the front of your path variable OR ;C:\j2sdk1.4.2\bin to the end of it. Notice the semicolon placement of either option.
[ August 07, 2003: Message edited by: leo donahue ]