Hey does anyone know of a good calendar servlet or jsp, I need to be able to click on each date, it register this date and then take me to a corresponding link. It also needs to be able to go up and down in months. Have been looking but most of the calendars are for inputting data and events, i just want a basic one that I can click on. Thanks for your help Paula xxx
Hi, does anyone help me in solving this problem regarding Calendar? The below codes are runnable and function one the problem is when i put the code in my program the displayed Month got problem. My program main page has few buttons and each of them represent a module where user click on 1 of the button a particular JFrame will appear. So my idea is when i click on the button on main page a JFrame Calendar will appear. Actually in first time the calendar function so well but the second, third and following click on the button, the Month will automatically jump/increase into 1 month without clicking on the next button... I hope you all can solve my problem and i am very appriciate with your helping hand. THANK YOU SO MUCH! (You all can try on develop a mainpage with a button where user click on it and call this Calendar) [ edited to format code and to preserve formatting using the [code] and [/code] UBB tags -ds ] [ August 31, 2003: Message edited by: Dirk Schreckmann ]
First of all thank you all of you who replied to me. Actually i had solved my problem after that. The problem is just removes all the static for every declarations. Only type private Jbutton not private static JButton. [ September 01, 2003: Message edited by: Kevin Ng ]
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