We're not really in the habit of doing homework for you, but we will provide a few pointers. First, break the problem down into separate parts and
test them. Don't try to write the whole things at once. There are many parts to this, each of which can be tested seperately. Remember, every class in your application can have a "main" method; it's just the class that you indicate on the command line whose main method gets called.
First, simulate the rolls of dice and adding the sums. This can easily be tested through command-line tests.
Second, simulate acquiring the sums and adding them to an array. Note that the array only need be 13 long (well, it only need be 11 long, but in this instance it's simpler to ignore indicies 0 and 1 rather than eliminate them...)
You should just start with rolling the dice 10 times, printing out the sums, and then printing out the array. That way you can easily verify that your program is working correctly before trying a 36,000 rolls.
Third, run the statical analysis. Here's the breakdown of stats for two-dice rolls:
2: 1/36
3: 2/36
4: 3/36
5: 4/36
6: 5/36
7: 6/36
8: 5/36
9: 4/36
10: 3/36
11: 2/36
12: 1/36
Finally, put the results in the GUI asked for.
Try writing the code yourself, and if you run into specific problems, post the code here and we will gladly help you debug it -- we just want to see your effort and what approach you are taking.