I am C programmer with 4 years of experience in the telecommunication area. I have been out of the job from 1 year.Plan to enhance my skills.I want to take up the Java cerrtification exam.Can you please let me know as to how I can start about.What are the pre requisits needed?What book are to be refered?I want to take up the Sun Certification exam.So please do help me out. Thanks.
Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow".
Preethy, I would say, look on the net, for anything in java, download a jdk from sun, go for 1.4 right now, not sure if 1.5 is out yet. look at the API buy books on java 1.4, write small progs, you'll know that anyway. and of course post here with any probs and solutions. Davy
Originally posted by Preethi Shetty: I am C programmer with 4 years of experience in the telecommunication area. I have been out of the job from 1 year.Plan to enhance my skills.I want to take up the Java cerrtification exam.Can you please let me know as to how I can start about.What are the pre requisits needed?What book are to be refered?I want to take up the Sun Certification exam.So please do help me out. Thanks.
Preethi, check out the certifaction fora in javaranch.