posted 20 years ago
Ok, I'm getting some errors in my SalesEmployee class which extends Employee class. The error has to do with a variable that isnt in the employee class called "managerName". Its in the SalesEmployee class because thats how the teacher wants it. Did I declare it wrong in my SalesEmployee class or what am I doing wrong. Here is my SalesEmployee class and the main class which tests the class.
My errors are:
C:\cis163\Project5_2\src\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : constructor Employee (java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,short,double,java.lang.String,Company)
location: class Employee
Employee anEmployee = new Employee( employeeFName,employeeLName,employeeAddress,
C:\cis163\Project5_2\src\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : variable aManagerName
location: class Project5_2
C:\cis163\Project5_2\src\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : variable aManagerName
location: class Project5_2
System.out.println( "Managers name; " + aManagerName.getManagerName() );