Hi all!
Well I had to take a break for a bit but now I'm back and working on my rationals problem. I'm suppose to have an output like the following:
1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ...+ 1/n
1/1 + 1/2 + 1/2^2 +...+ 1/2^n
I think I've got my constructor mostly cleaned up but I'm still getting a few errors that I"m not sure what to do. Below is my code then the errors:
Some of my errors are:
cannot resolve symbol
symbol : constructor Rtnl (int,int)
location: class Rtnl
Rtnl sum = new Rtnl(0,1);
java:61: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : constructor Rtnl (int,int)
location: class Rtnl
Rtnl x1 = new Rtnl(1,x);
java:62: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : method add (Rtnl)
location: class Rtnl
sum = sum.add(x1);
I'm sure you can see a theme of my errors, but I just don't know what to do. Can anyone help?