on paper that I know
convert 132 to hex is:
132/16 = 8 remainder 4, so the hex will be 84
convert a7 to decimal is:
10(a)* 16 + 7 * 1= 167
I was confused if the number like 24032 and by hand the steps will be:
24032/16=1502 r 0
1502/16 = 93 r 14 (E)
93/16 = 5 r 13 (D)
5/16 = 0 r 5
the hex will be 5DE0
in the java code how the loop divide 16 untill decimal=0 and also the output can display like 5DE0 in order?
(I start learn java on 3 weeks ago so
did I'm right on calculate? thanks for your help.
[ August 18, 2004: Message edited by: Qing Tian ]