We have a small problem... the specs for this assignment say (now that i've read them) "define a class that... blah blah blah".
what you have is a very procedural-style program, not an OO program. but that's ok, we can still use a LOT of the code you wrote. we're just gonna have to re-think a few things.
A class has two kinds of things in it - things it KNOWS and things it DOES. these are often referred to as member variables and member functions, or methods.
so lets see what you class knows...
"The class should have instance variables for the quizzes, miidterm, final, overall numeric score for the course, and final letter grade."
in your code, you have defined all these variables in the main() method. Theoretically, i want my StudentRecord to be a blueprint that somebody else can take and use to make a gradebook program - they will want to make dozens of StudentRecord objects, but will never call your main() method. we need a place for those variables that exists outside of any specific method, so we'll do just that...
now, somebody can make 12 StudentRecord objects, and each will have it's own copies of that students grades. in your main method, you can now do this:
we now have three objects, each having it's own set of scores. but right now, we can't DO anything - we can't even change the scores... so, we need to teach the class to DO something. Maybe we can teach the class to learn what quiz1 should be...
in the StudentRecord class, i need to make a method that will set the quiz1 score. i'm going to need to tell the object what that score is, and it's probably an integer. so i'd write:
in my main(), after i created the three student records, i could then tell each one to set it's quiz1 score by passing it a score...
note that i could write a method that takes 6 or 7 or any number of input parameters:
or, it might take no parameters, but the object itself can ask for the input when you call a method - you'd use a lot of the code you already wrote
i can then keep writing new functions that describe what the object can do...
you will need some methods for inputting the data (similar to what i have above), and outputting (something like a printInfo() method).
you will probably also write a method that will compute the letter grade and the final numeric grade (two separate methods, from the specs). they won't take any input, but they could validate all the quiz/test scores are entered, and it would calculate the scores and set the variables...
I know it sounds like a lot, but if you take it one step at a time, it's really not too bad.
when all is said and done, your main() method should be pretty short... possibly not much more than
StudentRecord student1 = new StudentRecord();
student1.setAllScores(); //have the object iteself ask for input data
take it slow, try to do one thing at a time, and build off each previous piece.