Original question was that you wanted project ideas. If you want the feed back it will indeed cost 200$. In my case I don't feel that I need the feedback, (or I don't have 200$) so If I run out of ideas for learning java maybe I go to the cattledrive and do one of their projects and struggle by myself... If it works I'm happy. Now if there is an area of Java that I'm not strong in I work with some tutorials either by some books I've already paid for or the many free tutorals on line.
The SCJD is a downloaded project. Whether
you should download the project and pay the SCJD fee is a question of, Do you have the money to do it right now. If not just keep learning from Once you download the project the real queation is: when should you submit the project for review? You may find more suggestions in the SCJD forum.
Good luck!