i am trying to install
java in linux i did the following things
1. downloaded the .rpm.bin file from sun.com site
2.extracted the .rpm file and executed it
3.followed the class path setting as follows
The JAVA_HOME environment variable references the home directory of your JDK installation. Set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory into which you just installed a version of J2SE.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/sun/jdk1.2.2
The $JAVA_HOME/bin directory has the Java compiler (javac) and the Java Virtual Machine (java) as well as other necessary programs for development. Add $JAVA_HOME/bin to your PATH.
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
Note that $JAVA_HOME/bin was added to the front of the PATH so that the installed JDK will be used rather than any JDK that might have come with your Linux distribution.
To confirm that your PATH is correctly set up, check which Java compiler and JVM will be used.
which javac
which java
The output should reference javac and java in your $JAVA_HOME/bin directory.
The CLASSPATH environment variable references all JARs and directories that you will need to compile and run Java programs.
For JDK 1.2.2, you don't need to initially add any JARs to your CLASSPATH. JARs can be packaged in either .jar or .zip files.
took this from the url
web page i did this and ran a sample program when i compile by saying javac it gives me the following msg
This script is a placeholder for the /usr/bin/java and /usr/bin/javac
master links required by jpackage.org conventions. libgcj's
rmiregistry, rmic and jar tools are now slave symlinks to these
masters, and are managed by the alternatives(8) system.
This change was necessary because the rmiregistry, rmic and jar tools
installed by previous versions of libgcj conflicted with symlinks
installed by jpackage.org JVM packages.
need help
thank you