This is for an assignment so any assistance in sending me in the right direction so I can learn this better would be appreciated.
The assignment is to use a HashMap to enter some simple employee data via an
applet. I need to add a record, find a record, remove a record, and clear using a single actionEvent process so there are to be no inner classes.
I have made the applet and the code compiles if I take out the actionEvent call to the Employee class. I am far from being able to complete the assignment, and I am frustrated
at the lack of information about HashMaps in the text (Head First
Java) and how I can go about processing these various actions using the available buttons.
Yes I am a crappy programmer...no I don't ever want to develop Java professionally. I am otherwise an excellent non-traditional student who mistakenly took an advanced Java class to graduate this spring instead of VB.NET over the summer and I need a nudge here and there to get a half-way decent grade. Java just kicks my Big Picture butt even though I can read through code and understand what it does, creating a solution out of thin air eludes me.
Thanks for any pointers to code examples I can learn from.
Here is the admittedly weak code I have so far:
I really have been searching through the archives, other java sites, the API, and such to no avail. I would sincerely appreciate any assistance.
Thanks in advance.
[ March 29, 2005: Message edited by: Barry Huizenga ]