Originally posted by Frank Carver:
I'd like to add my tuppence.
A few months ago I finally found two "killer" features that has got me using an IDE.
The first feature is refactoring.
The second feature is CVS support.
I second this. While I don't share your aversion to IDEs (I'm all in favor of computers relieving me of the drudgery of coding... I did enough emacs/command line in college), Eclipse's refactoring and cvs support are just winning. I used to find cvs a pain, but the integration within the IDE is so seamless, I want to buy the guys who coded it a beer. The merge/compare facility is as intuitive as I've seen, and make commercial products (*cough* Clearcase *cough*) look like a stone axe in comparison.
The refactoring, too, is a marvel, and something I had not seen in another IDE (I've never used IDEA...). And it continues to improve with each milestone release.
It's even politically correct being Open Source, which incidentally makes plugin development infinitely simpler, since if you see something you like in the IDE, just step into the Runtime-Workspace (the plugin development
test environment) and see exactly what the Eclipse folks did.