Thanks for you help. So in your design it is possible for a flight to have a list of eqiopments. Hence, you changed the multiplicity between Flight and Equipment as well. Am I worng?
Thanks Matt,
Could you help me with the following please? I have asked the same question on Giri post but didn't receive a response yet
What dose the system return for the following trip A---B---C when the user enters A as the departure city and C as the destination city?
For my current design, based on the BDM, I have two segments A---B and B---C. Each segment has its own flight as follows:
Segment A---B has the associated flight F_AB
Segment B---C has the associated flight F_BC
According to �Prepare Itinerary�, a list of departure flights and return flights will be returned by the system.
How can I satisfy this requirement?
Also, can you please help me with the following topic:
How to handle security for the rich client application?
Thanks, Matt. Could you let me know how to show composite entity bean in the component diagram? My thought is to show dependency between one entity bean and another entity bean. Is it right? Except for the stereotype, I realize that some components in my component diagram are the same as some classes in my class diagram (e.g. Account, ContactInfo, Address). What is your opinion on that?
congratz ,for ur success!
do u like to shed some lights on how u connect and show in diagrams the Transmaster and Mileage
How you show about transaction in diagrams or just write in assumption ?
for flight/equipment/seat is read only so do we have to implement this in BMP/DAO for faster access while I am implementing itinerary /segment as CMP?CMR
If I use aggregation or composite entity for itinerary/segment then my class diagram
should display aggregation , so does it mean i am changing the BDM ?
Great Score..Congrats..
Question : I am going to appear for SCEA II exam and I am having doubt in Sequence diagram. Pls explain in detail
The Sequence diagram should start from JSP/Swing program or we can start from business objects. Basically I am not sure about this and I need more clarification regarding this. Without knowing this I can�t start the design also.
Why I am asking this is, I have seen in some books they are starting from JSP and in some books they are starting from business objects. So, pls want some good Answer.
Thanks in advance to all.
scjp, scwcd, scbcd , MCP : 70 - 315, 70 - 316<br /> <br />SCEA ( under preparation)
Originally posted by Matt Rea:
Yes, I including a Cart class in my class diagram. I also included the Cart in the component diagram where it was relevant. My class diagram was completely technology independant. There were a number of classes that appeared in my component diagrams such as session facades for one example.
[ June 22, 2005: Message edited by: Matt Rea ]
did you discuss when to persist objects i.e. when itineraries are stored in a database. ShoppingCart sounds like a non-persistent data?
I like your thoughts on the Segment - Flight. How did you represent the one way or two way?
My thought was from source to destination it is one segment and so a round trip itinerary has two segments, otherwise it is just one segment. But each segment can have one or many flights.
Also did you consider customer buying many tickets in a single itinerary? In such cases how to map the frequent flyer mile? Is it per customer or per passenger?
Thank you so much
Hi Matt,
Did you mention anything about load balancing the two web servers? How did you handle it?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Matt
I'm finishing the project and i hope to upload next days but i have a doubt on price itinerary use case:
In prepare itinerary use case we have:
"System responds with the selected flight priced and alternative flights if less than selected and within one hour of departure and return times"
In price itinerary use case, we have:
"System calculates the price of each segment of the selected itinerary and returns the priced itinerary"
The price of each segment is already calculated in prepare itinerary use case,is it called once again,only for adding the prices together ?
Hi Steven,
I did mention load balancing of the web servers in my assumptions/design documents.
In the real world, I have worked with some pretty big J2EE architecture over the years and most recently a cluster of 3 big BEA application server machines and 4 web servers in front. The web servers are load balance by a hardware load balancer, in this case a Cisco Director. That is a pretty standard approach I have seen and used alot.
Did you change the "Seats" from BDOM with "Seat" ?
After read this forum I have a dubt about UML until (For exameple between aircrft and equipment).
My definitions:
Aircraft = concrete airplane (serial number, milesTotal, ... )
Equipment = Setting of aircraft ( type (example Boeing 737) , number of
passangers, ... )
If i think in data base nivel, one aircraft could have several equipment for different flights . In my uml class diagram I show it:
Aircraft 1 <-- * Equipment
If i think in object in memory , one equipment is setting for one aircraft in each flight.
Aircraft 1 <-- 1 Equipment
What's the correct ? Could explain me?
Hi, Matt.
How do you address alternatives flow in your sequence diagram?
Or you just mentioned in your assumption on how this can be approached?
Originally posted by Matt Rea:
Hi David,
I think there are any number of approaches and solutions to the Itinerary/Segment/Flight etc BDM issue. You just need to be clear in your own mind on how you apply it to the problem domain and constrain your solution with relevant assumptions. My way is only one approach and given the amount of discussion on the list over the last few years I have seen a number of approaches that are all valid and got very good marks.
I changed the BDM to fit with my solution making Segment and Flight 1 - 1..* Given I have tried to explain this a few times, rambled alot and have probably confused everyone more I will try to highlight a real life example I found very relevant and enlightenting to validating my model.
I took a flight from Melbourne, Australia to Washington DC, USA and lets just stick to one way. I did this in real life, took 30 hours which was hell but that is not the main point here![]()
Itinerary had 2 Segments.
- Segment 1: Melbourne to San Fransisco with flight number 123.
- Segment 2: San Fran to Washington DC with flight number 456.
Segment 1 was where I didnt like the original BDM. Basically Melbourne to San Fran was really Melbourne->Sydney->San Fran. Some passengers only went form Melb->Sydney as overflow on domestic flights I guess and some passengers joined in Sydney to go on to San Fran. We actually changed aircraft type in Sydney but kept the same flight number. I described this scenareo in detail in my assumptions/design document to defend my decision to change the BDM ever so slightly and the model was applied.
Segment 2 was a nice and simple so no issue there with the old BDM.
In thinking about scenario 1 I just didnt like the way the original BDM handled it. That doesnt mean mine is the only solution. Leaving the BDM as is and coming up with alternative solutions could be 100% correct. I am pretty sure my good mark came down to fully documenting my assumptions and design rather than this approach being the only valid solution.
David, hope that help... or I have just confused everyone more![]()
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