Originally posted by HS Thomas:
My curiosity about the name "Alfred Neumann" has been triggered though.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
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Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
Alfred E. Neumann is the fictional kid in Mad magazine who always says, "What, me worry?"
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
As to the other question, yes, an account can be reopened. If AN promises to play nice and follow the rules we can reopen his account and let him change his display name.
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
Finally, this is not an example of "group think".
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
Whether we agree or disagree with Paul is irrelevant. This is his site and he gets to make the rules.
Originally posted by Alfred Neese:
I am trying to puncture what I regard as 'a foolish consistency' before it goes further. Because I value this forum and wish to remain a part of it.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
I am now fairly sure that JavaRanch is not the place for you. Sun has Java forums that you can use and call yourself anything you like. If you really value this forum you will play by the rules. The main rule is "be nice". The second rule is that you must follow the naming standard. I think this has really gone far enough. We are wasting our time with this, time that could be spent answering Java questions. Either you will follow the rules or you won't. If you won't then goodbye.
Originally posted by Alfred Neese:
LOL! Care to point out in what respects I am currently in violation of the rules, Thom? Offending one or more moderators about their actions and opinions wasn't against the rules when I read them.
Perhaps I have missed something?
Thomas Paul:
As to the other question, yes, an account can be reopened. If AN promises to (...) follow the rules we can reopen his account and let him change his display name.
Alfred Neese:
I value this forum and wish to remain a part of it.
Originally posted by Philippe Maquet:
Hi Thomas and Alfred,
On this second page, I read at least two positive things (not so bad BTW) :
I'd like to add this :
Now each time I feel upset, I notice that sleeping one night helps a lot to feel better.![]()
I guess that Thomas's proposal will still be valid tomorrow. So I sincerely hope you'll accept it.
Best regards,
My book, my movies, my videos, my podcasts, my events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Commentary From the Sidelines of history
I'm happy. "Alfred" is happy. Everybody is happy.
Here is my plan: I will leave the "Alfred Neese" account alone. (...) this is your chance to persuade me to use a better idea.
I really don't care about your long, deeply felt, and sincere reply.
"Thanks to Indian media who has over the period of time swiped out intellectual taste from mass Indian population." - Chetan Parekh
"Thanks to Indian media who has over the period of time swiped out intellectual taste from mass Indian population." - Chetan Parekh
I would guess that it is less than a dozen accounts that have been closed because the owner refused to abide by the policy. The vast majority of people are reasonable about the naming policy. (Remember, it is not that the account uses a ficticious name but that it uses an obviously ficticious name.)Originally posted by R K Singh:
So how many accounts have we decided to close which we know are with fictious name ??
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
Remember, it is not that the account uses a ficticious name but that it uses an obviously ficticious name.
"Thanks to Indian media who has over the period of time swiped out intellectual taste from mass Indian population." - Chetan Parekh
Remember, it is not that the account uses a ficticious name but that it uses an obviously ficticious name, as per any one of the moderators
Am I right ??
Originally posted by Eugene Kononov:
as long as decency is preserved (by the North American standards).
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
No need to limit this to the North American crowd, we're going global.
Originally posted by Philippe Maquet:
Hi, (Hi R ? / Hi R K ? / Hi K ?)
You are obviously right. And I must confess that the only "Alfred Neumann" that I knew till this thread was the one who registred on JavaRanch. But the whole problem didn't came from the name by itself but from the fact that Alfred even refused to argue about it. Let's try this metaphor : you are in your car, under the speed limit, you've not drunk, and a policeman ask you to stop. You think "I am OK" and ... you go on. Would you then be surprised to get troubles ?
That is not fair! Paul tried on numerous occasions to contact you and you ignored him. To say you were blindsided is absurd.Originally posted by Alfred Neese:
I certainly lost the plot when I started the 'PowerDrunk Moderator' account because I was irritated at what I saw as being blindsided.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by R K Singh:
OK, let me rephrase it:
Remember, it is not that the account uses a ficticious name but that it uses an obviously ficticious name, as per any one of the moderators
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Philippe Maquet:
What about the old account renamed in "Alfred Newman" ? Would be a wink to your previous identity, and still better accepted than "Paul" (not you Paul, I meant "The Paul Newman"). And people like Kathy who knew and appreciated you under your previous name still could identify you as YOU
. And I personally like "Newman" : it sounds like a promise, doesn't it ?
Originally posted by Philippe Maquet:
PS: I just read the new posts you wrote while I was writing mine. We reach here the virtual communication limits : in real life, we'd drink a (few) beer(s) together and solve/stop the issue. Unfortunatley, the only ones we can drink here () make me thirsty
Depends on where. French beer?!!!
Belgian beer is my all-time favorite with Bavarian wiezenbier close behind. Guinness in Ireland and Newcastle Brown Ale in the UK....
French beer ? As I live in Brussels, Belgium, of course I was thinking of belgian ones !
This ridiculously small country (about 250 * 120 kms) makes hundreds different kinds of beer, with a few categories of them unique in the world (Gueuze, Kriek, Trappistes, ...).
You don't like my putting words in your mouth then stop putting them in mine.Originally posted by Alfred Neese:
I think you have made your views completely clear over the past two days. You don't have much use for me, perhaps with some cause. I don't know.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
My book, my movies, my videos, my podcasts, my events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Originally posted by Paul Wheaton:
I am thinking of demanding a bit more respect for the JavaRanch staff. These folks donate a great deal of time to keep the peace here, plus they donate a freaky big slice of time to simply help folks learn java. These people are not the servants of the folks that stop by. Nor am I.
I agree that when I read Thomas's posts in this thread he appears angry. He is saying things that I think are a bit harsh. And Thomas disagrees with me more than any other staff member. On the other hand, Thomas contributes more to this community than I do. Therefore, what Thomas says has a huge amount of weight with me. Thomas never plays the devils advocate and he is almost always right.
Originally posted by Paul Wheaton:
I would like to think that other folks in the community might say "my bad, allow me to also make sacrifices to make smooth this over." Instead, it feels a bit like "well, if you'll give me ten dollars, maybe you will give me twenty."
I have repeatedly expressed what my concerns are. I have also expressed that the main reason we are cracking down these days is because I want to save time. Yet the feeling I get is not one of cooperation. It's more like "where are the loopholes in what you say?"
Originally posted by Paul Wheaton:
"Alfred", in many ways you appear to be a decent chap. I think your request to re-open your old account could be classified as "it couldn't hurt to ask" and I think you are discovering that were wrong about that too. Your story about bad guys in your past has a huge amount of weight with me, and will always play a significant role in my future decisions about the naming policy. I am now asking you to creat a whole new account. Please don't tell anybody that it is not your real name - let folks get the idea that it is your real name. Please don't say "I used to be Alfred." Do me a favor and don't make me shut down the Neese account - after all, with these two threads still here, it makes is clear that that account is obviously fictitious. Just stop using it.
Originally posted by Paul Wheaton:
You screwed up. Own it. Make the best of it. I would hope that a decent guy would find a way to pay a bit of a penance. Maybe help a few java newbies.
Originally posted by Paul Wheaton:
(what the hell is all this stuff about hats? Maybe a new thread in MD?)
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